Crime Is Not An Act Or A Biography

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Crime Is Not an Act or a Biography

Crime Is Not an Act or a Biography

A crime is committed as an act defined in violation of a law prohibiting, for a variety of penalties are imposed. “Crimes are divided into two groups, "mala in se," the crimes that the evil in themselves, and "mala prohibitita", are the crimes which are crimes only because the society at the time it considers wrong. I believe that both types of crimes are related to the socio-economic situation. First triggered by poor economic, social and political situations and the second type receive its power of dreams for a better future, such as Galileo Galili (1564-1642) an Italian scientist whose work revolutionized astronomy.

History is full of such personalities, suffered due to lack of social consciousness have. Therefore, there is nothing given, any act of man is absolutely relative to the broad socio-economic situation and the roots for all crimes in the society and I would like in detail the opportunities to discuss the reduction of crime and understanding of the factors attributed that influence crime.

These days crime is easily perceived by society. A survey of public opinion in the United States shows that more and more people believe that crime is rising. People feel less secure in their environment and therefore have measures to protect themselves. But this view is correct? Most of the crimes from 1973 to 1992 have risen sharply. In 1973 there was a murder every 27 minutes. Now there is one murder every 22 minutes. The amazing fact is that in 1973 there was a violent crime every six minutes, but now it has increased one murder every 16 seconds. Crime per thousand in 1983-1992 increased by 9.4 percent, but from 1991 to 1992 was about 4 percent. In recent years, crime has been decreasing. Property crimes, murder, robbery and burglary have fallen all at least three percent in the last few years, but that is not much. There is one exception, rape, has gone to those up to 3 percent. 40.9 violent crimes since 1983, while increased in recent years, it fallen only a tenth of a percentage(Hulsman, Lea, and Young, 1993).

This may be one of the reasons that people feel less safe. Men have no fear of theft or property crimes. They are afraid of violent crime, which is why the last years she has been feeling insecure. Many people believe the problem is addressed in the trial system itself. Not enough people are convicted. In our test system, where you are innocent until proven guilty and the guilt be proved beyond reasonable doubt or preponderance of the evidence it is carried out in civil cases. After it finally proven before a judge or jury must decide unanimously, the criminal was hung innocent or guilty, or declaring it the jury. It is also too easy to make a shorter sentence on a plea ...
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