Crime Investigation

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Crime Investigation

Crime Investigation

Identify a possible methodology for solving this crime

For solving the crime, the possible methodology which can be taken for solving this crime includes toxicology which is considered as an important method for investigating crime to identify if there was foul play involved in the crime. It helps in determining if the crime was an accidental death or suicide was committed. Referring to this case the victim committed suicide by taking high dose of drugs (Tuckman, 1960). The victim also left a note after committing suicide which confirmed that the victim was depressed as he was a Wall Street Stockbroker. It would also about the background of the person if he was under pressure or his mental state was severely depressed. The investigation team to which I belong will first contact his colleagues who work with him and ask questions with them. The victim was also alleged ties to the drug underworld and the crime team can also determine if the victim was under some kind of threat or pressure which result him to commit suicide.

Explore possible suspects, motives, investigative techniques and issues relating to this situation

The possible suspect behind committing the suicide can be a result of his links with the underworld. There is a possibility that they were threatening and pressurizing him that he would be killed. The victim must have taken high dose of drugs by injecting it in his abdomen and hanged himself by the tree. The victim must have been in severe state of torture as a result of which he has killed himself in brutally. The investigative technique can be toxicology which determines if there was any foul play involved in the crime i.e. the links of the victim with underworld or the victim was under a severe state of pressure (Vernon, 2006). The motive of committing the crime was as a result of depressing and pressure. Since, the victim was Wall Street Stockbroker there may be a reason he had work pressure and he was unable to bear his expenses or he had other problems which had led him to be disturbed and he planned to finish his life off.

Present findings to the class using relevant apparatus where applicable

The findings which are extracted from the crime scene comprise of the evidence which were collected from the crime scene.

This evidence includes the shoe prints, blood stains and finger prints which are ...
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