Crime Committed By Young People

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Crime committed by young people

Crime is committed disproportionately by young people

[Name of the Institute]


Crime committed by young people3

Strain theory of criminology5

Suggestions by Robert Merton5






Crime statistics7

Disproportion in the crimes committed by young people8

Nature of crime committed by young people9

Supporting disproportionate crime rate10




The aim and objective of this research paper is to analyze the crime facts related with the young people aged between 15 and 25. In the recent years various cases have been reported in the media which shows that young people are committing various sorts of crimes in order to fulfil their basic necessities. In this report all the factors will be analyzed and discussed along with the pertinent criminology theory which explains the reasons for their crimes. This report deals with the gender and its relationship with different crimes which are being done by youngsters. Furthermore, what strategies are being followed by the state and police to contain the crimes? How many young people are being punishes for their crimes and after that how many of them are living a simple life without resorting to any crime. This study is significant in studying the crimes which are being done by the youngsters under different circumstances. This research will support the theory which is discussed and further support the criminal fact which is analyzed in this report.

Crime committed by young people

Many young people have been seen committing heinous crimes these days. In every culture there is a transition phase which starts from childhood and move to adulthood. As the dynamics of the world are changing along with the values and because of this transition to adulthood is also changing. Whereas, in the developed countries it was not present before but now it is an important part of people's development which is called the age of adolescence. It is assumed that the new transition of adolescence is only present in the western civilized world where crimes committed by the young people are on the verge which disenchanted the adolescents. Now they must define their identity and the place where they reside in the world otherwise delinquency will find a way to do that. This fact is sustained by the fact that young people whose age is between fifteen and twenty-five commit crime disproportionately. Although, it is against to the wide accepted belief yet it is not applicable on teenagers unless they attained the level of adolescents. Upon attaining the level of adolescence, they might show signs of aggressiveness and violence. There is also a soaring numbers of teenagers who are among the offenders but their nature of crime is excusable being non-violent and first time and on the pretext of immaturity. Around five to ten percent of adolescents commit crimes which are violent. In the United States, more than one-third of the suspects who are arrested for violent crimes are below the age of eighteen.

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