Crime And Society

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Crime and Society

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Crime and Society


Crime is a universal constant. No matter where one goes, if there is an existence of class difference, there is the existence of crime (Parker, 2010). The social hierarchy which rules the human life unfortunately serves as an incubator for crime and criminal activities. Crime is a factor that omnipresent in all manner of social classes (Benyahia, 2012). The poorest beggar or the richest merchant, no one is exempt from the siren song of scoring easy money through illegitimate means. A question which arises in everybody's mind is what factors are there which force an honest individual to turn to a life of crime? Are these factors or reasons dependent or subject to changes according to the financial background of the individual? In other words, what reasons are those which compel the poor people to seek a life of crime and what are the reasons which compel the rich people to risk their status and well-being for criminal activities?


First, taking the poor social class for the examination of factors that lead individuals to pursue a life of crime. When considering the circumstances of the financially unstable, it is not hard to figure out what motivates them in order to commit crimes. The answer is glaringly obvious. Money makes the world go round. People who are financially unstable are still people in the end. They need to eat and drink the same the rich folk. They have a wishes and wants just like everybody else. When they are unable to procure enough money to scrape a day's sustenance they are forced into committing crimes. The greatest appeal which criminal activities have for both the rich and the poor people is that it promises a big reward in a short amount of time (Welsh, 2008). ...
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