Credit Card's Debt Among Students

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Credit Card's Debt among Students

Outline of the Report


In this part of the report, the writer has introduced the topic, as raising issue of credit card debt among students of young age, current position of the situation and the finally who is responsible of this situations.


In this section of the report, the writer has elaborated the role of the credit card companies and their ways of selling their products, further this section contain following sub headings

Pushing student towards the credit cards


Making students fool


After analyzing every aspect of the report, the researcher has provided the conclusion and actual findings of the reports.

Credit card Dept's among student


In this world of modern age the usage of credit card has increased especially in the students, it has been observed that most of the academic institutions of the United States are directly involved in the marketing of the credit cards in their campus through various means.

For instance the most common forms of marketing credit card that are used in institutions are, use of Flyers, advertisement through posters, notice boards, and providing free services. The credit card companies target students because of several important factors like, students do not have the history of debts, their desires are high and they wish to gain every possible instrument and others. (Saez, 2009).

It has been observed that in USA, currently there are more than 640 million credit cards in operations, and the amazing context to this is that the total population of the country is half of the credit cards that are in operations. In addition to this the overall debt of credit card in constantly increasing and majority of the institutions are opening installs in the campus. (Saez, 2009).

In one of the studies conducted in the United States, it has been found that half of the student in their first year applies for credit card without clearly understanding its requirements, and by the end of the first year, their credit card debt is more than $1500. On the other hand, it has also been found that only twenty percent of the student managed their credit cards, while rest of the population declare themselves as bankrupt (Saez, 2009).

Further, it has been found that most of the teenage students obtain credit card facility for their daily expenses like, purchase of books, clothes and others; however, these students are pushed to debt because of external institutions demands and their habit of parting ...
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