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There are two ways you can live your life, two ways to feel about what comes into your life moment by moment. You can see yourself as a victim of circumstances or understanding that you have control over your thoughts and the direction of your focus; you can now make the decision see yourself as the creator of your experience. From this day, forward, you can become aware of your thoughts, and how you direct them. Ultimately there are two attitudes we can take in life: the attitude of a victim or a creator.

The victim cannot see beauty, abundance, or the inherent perfection of each moment, because he has an idea of how things should be, an idea that has undoubtedly been violated, and an idea at odds with what is. This incongruity results in anger — anger toward life, toward god. It manifests in the victim as a passive, depressive heaviness, inertia, and seeming disinterest, appearing more like sadness than anger. It is the ultimate rejection of what is hatred of self, violence toward life.


The only way to break out of this victimhood is by taking the role of the creator. A creator praises his creation; a victim criticizes. A creator lives in appreciation; a victim in the complaint, not taking responsibility. These are total opposites. The creator embraces whatever comes his way. He says yes to everything, and so he lives his life in abundance. A victim, on the other hand, is resentful and negative. He cannot see the perfection or beauty of life, because he has a rigid idea of how things should look. Shrouded in a cloak of passivity, the victim feels the utmost rage: the rejection of existence, the denial of what is.

As for me, I consider myself to be a creator, as I do accept ...
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