Creative Writing

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Creative Writing

Whatever will be, Will be

“All you can do is you're best honey. You know the world is your oyster and you have the potential to do anything”, said my Mother.

I had received a phone call from Gerard, an employee at the company I had applied at, confirming that I had gotten my very first job, as a full time receptionist in the transport industry and I would be starting work on Thursday. Thankfully my brain understood that is great news, but my stomach and shaking hands were acting as if they were disagreeing with me. The more I was thinking about the call, the more nervous I was feeling.

To distract myself I go to my room to pick the clothes I plan on wearing to my first day of work. Understanding the importance of first impressions, I want to look as professional and office like as I possibly can. At 18, I am petite in size, though have a well toned, slim body due to my healthy life choices, I have to pick something that would really make me stand out.

The more I try to not think about the job and tell myself that it would go smoothly, the more thoughts I get and questions start popping into my head about how it would all turn out. I think about my responsibilities and the job I will be required to do, if I will be able to perform well and live up to the expectations, whether my colleagues will like me and what the office will be like. It is when my mother notices my expression and calms me down with her support and her confidence in me that I finally relax and try to enjoy the moment.

After the longest few days pass, Thursday finally arrives. I wake up at 5 am with relentless energy. After rushing to my wardrobe I put aside what I had carefully picked out for work and put on my exercise gear, preparing for my10km routine run. The second I step out, the fresh air hits my face reminding me of how much I enjoy my daily habit. The sun is just starting to appear over the horizon, I know I have made it just in time. I step out on the street, and cherish how quite it is. The only sound that can be heard is of the chirping of the bright yellow and red bird's sitting on the bench close by and me breathing. I start to run slowly on the pathway. Increasing my pace soon after gets me running past three bushlands where I can see kangaroos hopping around and koalas in the trees. That gives me an adrenaline rush and I run faster. I get home sooner than I anticipated it would take. I feel a tinge of disappointment till I suddenly realize what my day holds for me.

I enter my house with a smile and rush to my room. Mentally calculating how much time I have I ...
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