Creative Thinking

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Creative Thinking

Creative Thinking


This coursework is based on how creative thinking can be applied to a business idea or problem. My creative thinking is based on “Creative Executions for Site Strategy”. I believe that creativity is an ability of an individual or group to imagine or construct and implement a new concept, a new object or to find an innovative solution to a problem. Creativity is the basis of the innovation. While, innovation is the practical application of ideas, which are implemented in order to achieve organizational goals more effectively.

“Site Strategy” is a website maintenance website that will offers luxuries at the most affordable rates which include reliable and effective website maintenance from only $6 per page, excellent collaboration with major social websites, photo editing & deep etching at a highly professional level.

Differentiating Between Creativity and Innovation

Creativity and innovation are two words that go together. Overall, creativity and innovation are seen as virtually synonymous and although they are closely related concepts, both concepts are not exactly the same. I believe that creativity is an aid to the solution of problems within an organization or team. It provides new ways to analyze the nature of a problem and to generate a wide variety of options for resolution. Creativity is the creation of new and useful ideas. Innovation brought to assert application of these ideas. Innovation differs from creativity to reach an impact on a larger scope through meaningful and successful implementation of ideas generated by creativity. Innovation moves us toward the future (Treffinger, 2010).

In its more specific aspects, creativity is the ability that allows us to invent different and innovative solutions, and innovation drives us forward to carry out and implement them in a larger field to improve our quality of life. Creativity is simply the union of imagination with practicality, we can imagine something and by practicality we can carry out, using all our knowledge. The creative process and innovation have a close relationship with the decision-making process. In general, we could say that creativity is more important in the early stages when it is most needed in divergent process.

I perceive that another important factor for successful innovation is systematic approach is the evaluation criteria, market knowledge and opportunities. We live in a continuous production of new ways of doing things.

Explanation of the Problem Being Solved and the Creative Solution

The problem is that there is an intensive competition between the website maintenance companies based on the factors of cost effectiveness and differentiation. Therefore, it is very vital for the Site Strategy to adopt the creative strategies in order to cater more customers and develop brand loyalty. For this purpose, Site Strategy will offers luxuries at the most affordable rates which include reliable and effective website maintenance from only $6 per page, excellent collaboration with major social websites, photo editing & deep etching at a highly professional level. Similarly, in order to attract more customers company has decided it will provide a shining 100% Money Back ...
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