Creating Change Within Organizations

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Creating Change Within Organizations

[Name if the Insititution]Creating Change Within Organizations

What is Organizational Change

The dynamic and readily transforming world of technology, information and advancement brings with itself, an automatic vigor to the business world. The trade and business industries, an even the small scale businesses have to adopt and implement changes with time to time to come at par with the fast-paced world. Although fast paced and rapid, but organizations cannot bring changes suddenly and unexpectedly. A chain of thought processes and consideration lies behind the change processes of an organization (Wheatley & Rogers, 2000).

Steps in Organizational Change

Some basic outlines for the steps in bringing organizational change include important thought processes, deliberation, reflection of the opportunities and threats, and plan about bringing the change. Employee participation in major organizational changes is also essential. However, top level strategic management decisions might not deem the of employee participation as critical (Fernandez & Rainey, 2006).

Structured steps in the organizational change are various and diverse. The steps cannot prevail to be the same for any organization because change processes and steps differ from one organization to another depending upon its size, productivity and/or required change. Nevertheless, the basic steps for organizational change include:

Realizing the Need for Strategic Renewal

Strategic renewal refers to the action of an organization in response to the changing environment of the external competition and contest. In order to bring or even initiate thinking about the organizational change, realizing the importance of strategic renewal is mandatory.

This step requires studying the change and attempts of the competitors and others in the market. One step in the change processes of organizations is the understanding and apprehending changes in the market and surroundings. As illustrated in case, people at the Concord Bookshop also sensed a change in the market of books with the advent of online stores ...
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