Creating Change Within Organizations

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Creating Change within Organizations

Creating Change within Organizations

Questionnaire for the Department

It is essential that the Questionnaire cover all the necessary points that will help the management realize the areas where communication gaps or other factors are resulting in slow or insufficient response of the management to the employees. The five questions that I will include in the questionnaire are

List the name of five important areas or aspects in the Organization that you feel require immediate attention of the senior management. Why do you think these areas are important?

There are many methods of communication within an Organization. These include Direct and Indirect Communication, where indirect communication can further be classified into further tools such as letters, telephone calls, mails and other internet tools. Which of the communication method you think is more effective to grab your management's attention in order to achieve a better response? In addition, do you believe that the management responds more quickly to any particular communication tool?

Have you ever reported any of your concern, need or complaint through any of the communication tools in the past? How quickly did the management respond to this request? Rate the time taken to respond form 1 to 3 where “1” is the quickest score.

Was there any particular procedure you had to follow while registering your need? Are there any strict hierarchical rules followed within the Organization or are you allowed to approach your management directly? Rate the hierarchical rules and the consequent response of those hierarchies on the scale of 1to 3?

Was your concern regarding any unavoidable requirement or any casual work related need? How was your complaint or your need catered? Were you satisfied by the overall management response?

The five questions asked in the questionnaire are very elaborate and will help the management evaluate the areas that ...
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