Coursework Assignment

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Coursework Assignment

Coursework Assignment


This paper intends to analyze the legal case of Jean Luc in relation with the concepts of contract law. This paper will analyze the various aspects of contract law in order to depict the relevant issues, rules and applications of the law related to this case. The case basically relates to a man named Jean Luc who owns a French restaurant in Greenwich. His restaurant is extremely popular and has been receiving complimentary reviews from both the local and national press. Jean Luc is currently facing financial distress after a huge success of his restaurant during the London Olympics when the number of bookings increased with a massive percentage at his restaurant.

The important thing I believe that this case will have to consider is the implications of the contract law. Contract law is complex, but well described in the law in England. Areas of interest under the law of the contract include the creation of the contract (supply, popularity, concern and purpose), the potential of forming the contract, the material (which, with certain exceptions), that vitiate consent issues (falsehood, error, stress and lawlessness), release (the execution of the contract, failure, frustration) and solutions (damage, efficiency and order). Contract law is more effective when done on an agreement, and litigation is not necessary because each party knows its rights and duties (Atiyah, 1979 Pp. 125-130).

However, when a sudden situation makes agreement difficult if not impossible, courts generally interpret the parties were discharged from liability. You can also simply part of the terms of contract violations. If a contract is substantially performed, then the innocent party has the right to leave your own performance and to obtain remedies from his position with the position that if the contract were made (Mitchell, 2008 Pp. 78-84). The consequences of the breach of verbal agreement need to be determined. The paper will focus on all the three contracts Jean Luc have separately; two contracts with Martin, one for crabs and other for oysters, and one contract with Jacques.

Highlights of the Case

The case basically states the various aspects of contract law. Jean Luc entered into two simultaneous contracts with Martin who is a fisherman from North Norfolk. The first contract relates to the supply of hundred crabs per week for the next twelve weeks with a contract price of £3500 and the second contract relates to the supply of two hundred oysters per week for the next twelve weeks with a contract price of £2500. The problem with the application of the contract comes in when the oyster population of North Norfolk was hit by disease making them unsafe to eat. This disease ultimately resulted in the shortage of supply of oysters and doubling its price.

Jean Luc being aware of the fact approached Martin in order to convince him not to cancel his contract by offering him to only deliver hundred oysters per week with the same contract price. Martin agreed and delivered hundred oysters per week with the same ...
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