Course Project 1

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Course Project 1

Course Project 1


The following project is about a child growth that begins from the prenatal development to adolescence. Therefore, to give readers a proper understanding an boy is selected whose name is Sam, as the information that required to complete the project is critical therefore, Sam's mother also involved in the project to get access to information regarding the early years and genetic background of Sam. The project based on four weeks assessment, in week one, prenatal development of Sam studied, in second week, early childhood is studied, whereas in week three middle and late childhood of Sam investigated. At last, in week four, adolescence stage of Sam is studied. There are numerous areas that need to be covered in each week, therefore, in the discussion phase; every week is studied broadly;

Prenatal Development

Sam's parents are as healthy as one can think of healthy parents. From the height and weight perspective, both enjoying their life, as per BMI (Body Mass Index), both falls in the category of Normal weight, which shows that they take care of their health. As they believe in healthy diet, thus, the intelligence level is on the positive side and this healthy life style leads to controlled personality trait. The strength of their healthy physical condition is that they not involved in eating junk food. Both of them believe in healthy diet, and therefore, they developed a proper routine. On the basis of healthy physical condition, there are no mental issues (Frankenhuis, 2012). However, both the parents are in early thirties, thus, no physical health issues diagnosed. As already stated above that his parents are in early thirties, therefore, both possess different abilities. For instance, father of Sam is much interested in sports and play American soccer on regular basis, whereas, on the other hand, mother has artistic and musical abilities, thus, she taking piano learning sessions on regular basis. Similarly, in her free time, she plays good tunes on guitar.

Both husband and wife share deep love, therefore, both physical and emotional environment during pregnancy was very much positive and John, father of Sam, properly planned everything for Julie, mother of Sam. A proper diet plan was formulated from the health nutritionist and Julie completely followed that plan. Julie followed a healthy life style because she gets pregnant at the age of 30 and her general state was normal. As she was doing exercise before pregnancy, therefore, she didn't face much difficulty. As already highlighted above regarding her health condition, she didn't smoke nor drink during pregnancy, however, occasionally, before and after pregnancy, she consume alcohol. She completed her master studies before getting married, which provides her an extra edge to cater things more carefully during pregnancy. Sam is their first child, therefore, stress level was there and to overcome that stress she read books, go for a walk or she call her friends at her place. In all her activities, John was completely involved and provided her every sort of ...