Course Assignment

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Course Assignment

Table of Contents

Role of Nurse as Leaders3

How Nurses can Advance Leadership4

Pros and Cons of US Medical Benefits6

Nurse Practitioner Perspective for Health Care Reform8

How to Strengthen Nursing Education9

Strategies to be a Successful Online Learner10


Course Assignment

Role of Nurse as Leaders

Statement: “Nursing leaders play a very significant and crucial role in altering and revolutionizing the nursing profession according to the changing healthcare system. The major qualities that should be present in efficient nursing leaders involve being a collaborator, advocate for quality care, mentor, articulate communicator, role model, risk taker, and a visionary” (Roussel, 2010.p.85).

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is supposed to be the only national nursing organization in the United States that manages to provide advance nursing education. The purpose of the AACN Leadership for Academic Nursing Program is to develop the executive leadership abilities of the nurses who are in the working positions of mid to upper-level faculty and have experienced the roles of academic administration and those who are motivated to lead the nursing academic unit. The nurses who are offering their services as the chief academic administrator are also applicable for this leadership. The nurses who have three years of graduation degree are also eligible for nursing leadership (Thomas, 2003).

Nursing leaders can be middle and senior managers, chief executives, professional practice leaders, frontline administrators, government officials, leaders in regulatory bodies, and policy makers. The existing era is considered to be a challenging period for both healthcare and nursing due to the occurrence of complicated problems including shortage in health human resource, insufficient funding and rising need for services for old age people effectual strategic planning as well as utilization of new and innovative nursing practices in healthcare centers can provide the strength to overcome these challenges (Roussel, 2010).

How Nurses can Advance Leadership

Statement: “As nurses are observed to be all time working in the area of patients so they are already integrating, coordinating, and facilitating the leadership practices that are essentially required to establish common dedication between the disciplines. Nurse leaders are supposed to be responsible for assisting actions in order to develop and execute the suitable revolutionize policies required for improving the quality, accessibility, and significance of a health care environment” (Glasgow, 2010.p.146).

It is supposed to be a very difficult and complicated task to identify the skills of natural leadership in the profession of nursing in this existing world of advance technologies. At a time, nurses are observed to be playing the roles of followers, leaders and managers in an efficient manner. More nurses are now found in decision -making as they are now more focused in utilizing their leadership and decision-making skills (Glasgow, 2010).

To fulfill all the responsibilities of leadership is quite a responsible as well as a difficult duty for the nurses. It must be emphasized that the progress of these leadership capabilities should be focused in order to enhance and progress this profession of nursing. The basic requirement of nursing is to guarantee that the prospective for leadership capability is highly developed through amalgamation ...
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