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The work of the Social Care worker is relatively large and is a team work with physicians of the company. This work can be classified into three major branches with everything it includes:

- Occupational medicine: the classic annual survey of occupational medicine with the capture constants, the dipstick etc.

- Prevention: regular preventive actions are implemented according to the specificity of the company (first aid, smoking, wearing of safety shoes), and also ergonomics is important in all types Position: Prevention is still the best way to care no! The request cache aspirin regularly read deeper malaise that we must be able to detect (Frizzell, 2007, pp 88-100).

- Emergency Treatment: always depending on where you can work, but you are always on the ready to handle emergency medical syndrome type of threat. Working hours are distributed among the nurses so that there is always a present for the work of employees. There is a difference between working in a business office and a factory with machine tools and therefore a greater risk of accident (Brost, Deprey, 2004, pp 25-135).


Consultants to help people solve their problems, deprivation or lack of guidance in their lives. They usually work individually with customers at non-public and confidential discussion. Need counselling to help people cope with the situation or as bereavement, anxiety, drug or alcohol dependency, debt or domestic violence (Jonikas, 2004, pp 120). Government's policy is not ', will fully support each elderly so that they can continue to live independently in their own homes as long as possible. Government to provide € 4.7, and to help the elderly live in their own homes and communities as long as possible a series of independent measures, funding billion. These include home care packages, home help services, and room service, community mediation programs, respite services / day care.

The core, because it is the financial support by the home care package program. The five-year program in the local development pilot programs around the country range from home care package. Health Services in each region (HSE) management is responsible for its own planned operation. This means that the same scheme operates throughout the country, they operate according to local residents, special needs, and provide service needs in each region(Howell, et al., 2004, pp 105).

National Economic and Social Forum project team case studies to learn how to care provided by family planning packages in different locations. It will enable the team's best practices, identify the policy implementation and staff to provide learning on how to provide better service in future opportunities.

Social Care Work (Descriptions & definitions)

Social care workers, mental health and substance abuse assessment and mental illness or drug abuse, including alcohol, tobacco or other drug abusers in treatment. These services are individual and group therapy, outreach, crisis intervention, social rehabilitation, and daily living skills training. They can also help to use the best way to help patients to re-enter the community support services program. Usually have Social care workers and drugs in the hospital mental health, ...
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