Counseling Skills

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Counseling Skills

Counseling Skills


The counseling is a structured and permissive service that allows customers to better understand themselves, so they can be able to make affirmative steps in the light of the new approach they want to give their life. This theory follows all techniques employed for aimed at developing an open relationship and permissive understanding of oneself during the treatment process and beyond and the trend towards a positive action on its own initiative. The form of psycho-counseling and counseling explicitly or implicitly raise the question of resource changes for the client. This may be a state of relaxation, confidence, calmness, and prudence, etc. The idea is to find a resource change (inside or outside the client) and add this resource to the problematic experience (Troemel, 1980).

Man, like the traveler, after a long drive in the snow and cold, can be invited to sit for an hour in a warm hearth. It is no exaggeration to say that such an understanding of objective equivalent to the love of man. Apparently, so clients always extend to a counselor, trying to tender him a feeling, as a man who understands me (Ens, 1999). Most of the patients that suffer from some mental illness usually feel insecure and lack of safety when they are under treatment. A clinically skilled nurse helps the patient to feel secure and save. First a well developed relationship with the patient of a clinically skilled nurse creates camaraderie because of which patient feel secure in the presence of a clinically skilled nurse. Secondly, fear and feeling of security can be handled efficiently with the help of techniques and tactics of a clinically skilled nurse

Types of Counseling

There is various type of counseling that can be helpful in counseling of effected individuals. The details of types are provided below:

In-Person Counseling: I found the theory of Person-Centered counseling more appealing because this counseling gives clients self confidence as the counselors have absolute faith in them for speaking the things which they want to change by counseling, eventually leading to the key determining the problem.

E-Based Counseling: this is an electronic counseling offered to those who are out of reach and has travelling problem.

Group Therapy: Group therapy may be helpful to a number of problems such as academic problems, communication problems, and drugs. Opportunities after therapeutic counseling may include group counseling. Group therapy helps you in many areas, such as patient care to deal with the discomfort and problems (Kelly, 1998).

Counseling for Children: The goal of counseling for children is to create a sense of safety in children and adolescents, so as to enable them to acquire self-esteem and confidence, express their fears and concerns, strengthen their resilience, and heal from the challenges they have encountered. Areas of specialization includes anxiety and depression, problems of attachment and behavior, communication and relationship problems, abuse, divorce, grief and loss, and provides support to parents.

Counseling for Adolescent: this counseling is for those who have stress when with parents, have problems with your boyfriend / girlfriend, have questions ...
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