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Counselors, coaches like to create a space, so that customers can talk about their problems. The difference is mainly to help people to overcome, and the coach and counseling, dealing with relevant issues to improve performance. Counseling tend to focus on its causes, in our behavior, we do a search in the past. Our goal is to help understand the root causes of chronic problems of people. Counselors can use such as 'why' question "Why do you do that?", and the coach is more often ask questions such as 'what' question, "What would you do?" Counseling to support their emotional problems, and in a safe and trusting relationship. It is built slow sometimes, sometimes faster depending on what happens in the counseling room, or in the counseling relationship. Counselors will initially try to support the relationship with the sympathetic treatment of individuals, to provide back to their understanding of how things are done' and hope that people feel understood. The more people feel better understand the therapeutic relationship can be (Koder, 2008, 34-37).


My basic understanding of the human behavior is not grounded in one psychological approach; instead, there are two therapeutic approaches that govern my rationale. These two approaches, Existential and Person-centered (Client-centered to many) heavily influence my philosophical orientation to counseling. In writing this paper, I will explore some of the basic philosophical premises that lay the essential groundwork for these two approaches. The following information will also show the reader that using the two therapeutic approaches together will effectively diagnose and treat teenagers (Gelso, 2008, 267-283).

Counseling Therapy

It is the psychology of individuals through the use of standard methods, such as historical data collected cases, the use of various techniques of personal interviews and testing interests and aptitudes of professional guidance. The goal of counselors the opportunity to the East, the best guarantee of his needs and desire to achieve. Counselors often try to clarify the customer's own thought, not to solve his problem. Professional counselors (such as education and vocational guidance counselors) and counseling psychologists (such as marriage and bereavement counseling) found in a variety of clinical arrangements and private practice. Counseling is informal knowledge dissemination, social capital and the work of social psychological support, vocational or professional development process of the recipient perception. Guidance need informal communication, mostly face to face, and the duration of the time, greater knowledge, wisdom, or experience (mentor) and who considered being a small number of all (the disciples) (Schlee, 2000, 322-33).


There are many views on the definition of mentoring, especially in personal and professional coaches as more recent popularity. Traditionally, the guide may describe as a person of another (the instructor) of the person (mentor) for, in order to help his or her career, other people do the work more effective and / or progression of events. Guidance may be the person who is "out there, that is to do “before. A teacher may use various methods, such as counseling, training and ...
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