Could The Eu Replace The Us As The Super Power (Current Empire)?

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Could the EU replace the US as the Super Power (current empire)?



I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible.


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This dissertation aims to discuss whether the EU could replace the U.S as the existing super power (here the term is interchangeably used synonymous to the concept of empire in history), and whether the status of the U.S occupying the most favourable position in the world hierarchy could be challenged. In the history the term empires served the same purpose, and strived to achieve domination. But usually the ways were coercive and other 'soft' techniques at diplomatic levels were rarely employed (Mauro 2005:681). Generally, for many decades America motivated people everywhere and many wanted to start their dreams and ambitions there. This just proves how influential America is as a country. As analysts describe these are qualities which are essential for an empire. The EU continuously wants to compete with America when it comes to America's reputation on the international stage (Bozo 2001:55). This would mean that Europe dreams about building its own identity as a growing community. This does not imply that is useless but compared to the US it is not as powerful.

Table of Contents


Literature review6








This dissertation aims to discuss whether the EU could replace the U.S as the existing super power (here the term is interchangeably used synonymous to the concept of empire in history), and whether the status of the U.S occupying the most favourable position in the world hierarchy could be challenged. In the history the term empires served the same purpose, and strived to achieve domination. But usually the ways were coercive and other 'soft' techniques at diplomatic levels were rarely employed (Mauro 2005:681).

Soft power is regarded as a positive instrument, and not as a policy instrument. It can be seen as a consequence of the basic goodness of U.S.A and not from any concerted effort. This, in short, is certainly more than what is considered as something in need of education and training (Williams 2002: 67). It is understood that the U.S probably will not get the same effect on its soft power, and more attention is required on this issue.

U.S. overviews bias towards the tools of hard power, especially military force. This is not because Americans are militaristic, they are not. They see a particular tool, such as the need to trim from time to time to make the fight against external threats, which are raising their heads. Bias exists in the first place by the underestimation of the role of soft power. Second, due to the successes of ...
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