Cost Of College

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Cost of College

Table of Contents



Literature Review2

Solution for Cost of college tuition fees3

Voluntary Program in College4

Reducing Unnecessary Expensive5

Part Time Job6

Financial Aids6




Education and learning is an important part of an individual's life. These factors play immensely valuable role in the development of an individual and they also play their part in shaping the life of an individual. In this paper we have discuss ways to cut down the cost of college tuition fees. However, there are solutions provided regarding the cost cutting in college and universities fees so that each child can afford and can bring their dreams in to reality.

Cost of College Tuition Fees


Today education is an independent process. Education is very important part of life. Historically, parents were recognized as their children's primary educator. They were ultimately responsible for their children's education, socialization and upbringing. Prior to the establishment of formal schools and the implementation of compulsory schooling parents were responsible for educating their children at home. With the establishment of private schools, mostly operated by religious groups, schooling moved from home to the formalized classroom setting. While public education is ideally a right of citizens to every society, universal access to schooling is only realized to varying degrees in countries around the world. In many countries, access to education is still denied or limited on the basis of gender, race, economic or social status, or disability. Besides these factors, the most importance factor which is affecting, youngster's higher education is increasing tuition fees (Engell, James, 2005).

Education is a right for everyone and a responsibility for parents and teachers to provide children with the best education. Education is free and compulsory for all children between certain ages. It is the obligation of parents to make sure that their children are attending school and learning gradually. However, when a student wants to persuade their higher education from a good institution the barrier they face is the fees. The costs of college fees are increasing as time passing. Average household parents cannot afford the high cost of college and hence opt out their children from any formal education setting and to educate them at home. In this paper, we will discuss different ways to cut down the cost of college tuition fees and making college much affordable and reasonable for everyone.

Literature Review

Education policy in any country should be made in such way that every child of the country should avail it. I many countries the cost of fees are high that low income people can only dream of sending their child to school colleges and universities. Increase in college fees has reduced the literacy rate of America from 99% in 2010 to 97% in 2011. Education and learning is an important part of an individual's life. These factors play immensely valuable role in the development of an individual and they also play their part in shaping the life of an individual. Education and opportunities to get education is the basic right of an ...
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