Cosmetics are defined as preparations—such as powders, oils, creams, and pills—used for healthcare and, most of the time, beauty reasons. They include products that people use daily, such as perfumes, creams, shampoo, and lipstick. The most obvious effect of cosmetics is related to the chemical components that they contain. The potential harmful effects of these components are, in the same way as chemicals, regulated by national and international authorities dedicated to their control.
A second effect of cosmetics that is increasingly attracting attention, and is particularly interesting with regard to the objective of sustainable development, is related to the exploitation of biological components by the cosmetic industry. Cosmetic recipes are often drawn from the properties of seeds, plants, and trees, as well as animals, to propose effective healthcare solutions. For example, coconut milk has been used since early times as a skin moisturizer, and rose petals have been used as a perfume for many years. (Mortality, 2007)
The consequences of the use of biological components by the cosmetic industry on the conservation of the world's biodiversity are the subject of several debates at the national and the international levels of policy making. In contrast to the first environmental impact already mentioned—chemical pollution—which is mostly the subject of restrictive regulations (such as the European Union's REACH legislation), these discussions aim at creating a complementary relationship between the uses of the world's biodiversity in cosmetology and the conservation of natural resources. This positive equation would consist of the sharing of the benefits made by the users of the biological resources—mostly the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry—with the actors responsible for the conservation of these resources—mostly local authorities and indigenous people.
Discussion and Analysis
At the international level, several international organizations have been, since the beginning of the 1990s, discussing the development of international principles to encourage the collaboration between the users and the providers of biological material. The main organizations concerned with this topic are the United Nations Environmental Programme, the World Intellectual Property Organization, and the World Trade Organization.
Egyptian doctors wrote long treatises on beauty and makeup. In Greece, after the conquests of Alexander the Great was a flourishing industry of beauty products and perfumes. The Romans were great height and importance to the cosmetology. From the farthest corners of the empire went to Rome the most sophisticated products to enhance and preserve the beauty of the Roman patrician. Criton, at the time of Emperor Trajan, wrote a treatise on cosmetics in 4 volumes. During the Middle Ages imposed asceticism and leaving aside cosmetic preparations, considered sinful. With the Renaissance, these practices back again. In 1370 at furore in Europe a tincture consisting of water scented with rosemary, cedar, turpentine and alcohol called Water of Hungary. Venetian and Genoese merchants were active in cosmetics. Catherine de Medici, to marry Henry II of France, introduced in France Cosmetic manufacturing techniques. In the eighteenth century expands cosmetics. (Quigley, 1996)
In 1770 the English Parliament issued an unusual decree prohibiting the use of cosmetics and declaring void any ...