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Over the years, the concept of corruption has widened and it has been used in almost all the western and traditional societies. Today, it has become a worldwide phenomena. In every country, people at the higher positions have been charged many times and have been involved in corruption cases.

Corruption has become very virulent in every nation of the world and it has threatened every society. The weaker the system gets with the passage of time; corruption gets bolder and drains its victim till the last drop of their blood.



Corruption is defined as the destruction and the spoiling of a society or a nation. A society in which corruption prevails stops giving value to integrity, ethical and moral principles and things become worse. Such a society starts to decay and enables itself for destruction. Corruption is an old phenomena and it is the abuse of powers by the states officials in order to commit unlawful private gain. (Heywood, 1997)

Many available indices are present that don't distinguish between high level of corruption and low level corruption. They also don't differentiate between well organized corruption and chaotic corruption. Therefore, it is difficult and quite impossible to find what kind of corruption is more virulent and harmful to the society. There have been studies conducted on corruption, but they have failed to recognize which kind of corruption should be tackled first. Many studies have been conducted in various countries, which have stated that high level corruption and low level corruption reinforce each other and tend to do exist.

Causes of corruption

There are many causes of corruption and it can occur in various circumstances. It can arise in the purchase of goods and services by the government and also in the distribution of subsidies. Some of main causes of corruption are states below

Inadequate regulations

Corruption is caused by lack of adequate and proper rules and regulations. The weak governance enables the government officials to take advantage through unlawful private gain. Corruption also arises when a person has information about the government officials and he may black mail in order to get benefit. (Klitgaard, 1987)

Opportunity to abuse power

Corruption also exists because of the power many high level officials and government agencies hold in their hands. The public officials may chose to abuse many other individuals and organizations with their power to impose their laws and regulations on them. Therefore, many individuals in this way are forced to pay bribes to avoid costs.

Closed economic and political system

Studies have stated that open political and economic system has lower corruption. Closed systems are more likely to have social inequalities, which further leads to high level of corruption and also affects the transiency and accountability of the society. (Klitgaard, 1987)

Weak legal system

Corruption is likely to take place due to weak enforcement of law and order and improper legal regulations. When the legal rights and laws are not clearly define, it is quite possible that the boundaries between the public and private sector becomes blurred.

Argument in favor of the claim about corruption

Studies have been ...
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