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“Assess the effects that corruption may have on economic development. How do you reconcile the anecdotal evidence with the theoretical ideas?”

“Assess the effects that corruption may have on economic development. How do you reconcile the anecdotal evidence with the theoretical ideas?”


Corruption is the perversion or corruption of a process or an interaction with one or more persons for the purpose, for the bribe, to obtain benefits or special prerogatives or to the corrupt, to obtain a reward in exchange for his benevolence. It generally leads to the personal enrichment of corrupt or enrichment of corrupt organization (mafia group, company, club, etc.. ). This is a practice that may be held illegal by field considered (trade, business, politics ...).

It may relate to any person benefiting from a policy-making, whether a political figure , a servant , a part of a private company, a doctor , a referee or an athlete , a trade union or organization to which they belong . Recent probes of international monitoring agencies in cities and towns across the Central Asian countries have uncovered widespread corruption among Central Asian states. An eight-month investigation of the transparency international that ended in October 2009 reported that majority of Central Asian countries governments are involved under various acts of misconduct (Trenin, 2007, p. 77). Widespread corruption has prompted some observers to question whether corruption has become endemic to economic growth and establishment of state and to ask how best to tackle the problem.

While instances of corruption in Central Asian countries grab headlines, some analysts say that other forms of corruption, such as taking bribes or lying about evidence, may be more widespread and can be equally damaging to the criminal justice system in these countries. Although corruption occurs in many forms, it usually involves the misuse of police authority for material rewards or personal gain (OECD, 2011, p. 41). In some cases, government officials have been convicted for accepting payoffs to overlook illegal activities, for providing false testimony and for submitting false economic reports. Some government representatives have stolen money from the national accounts and kept or sold the national property in an illegitimate manner. Many experts say that corruption is also inextricably linked to negative economic growth of the country (Mayhew, 2010, p. 71). 

Corruption is an illegal act that occurs when a person abuses his power to turn a profit for himself, his families, or his friends (Heyneman, 2004, p. 66). It requires the participation of two actors: one for his position of power can offer something valuable and one that is willing to pay a "bite" or bribe to get it. Corruption breaks the social structure of the country as it reduces confidence in the institutions, government, and justice system. It also affects the ethical standards of society as a whole (Guardian, 2010). To the extent that corruption is widespread, ethical scruples are lost.

The project is about investigative the impact of corruption on the economic growth of Central Asian countries. Notable devastating impact of the corruption has been observed on the economic degradation of the ...
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