Correctional Counseling

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Correctional Counseling

Correctional Counseling

Question 2: What are the advantages and limitations of group counseling in comparison to individual counseling?

Group Counseling


Following are the advantages of Group Counseling

In group counseling session, participants learn from each other

Participants practice new interpersonal skill through group counseling

A range of different perspective introduced by the participants

Through the process of receiving and giving feedback, participants get to know about peer support

Participants break the circle of isolation


Following are the disadvantages of the group counseling

Participants may have individual needs that not catered in group counseling

Participants may not have positive feeling while participating in group counseling

Participants do not want to disclose their feelings

Individual Counseling


Following are the advantages of individual counseling

It allow the counselor to work with the participant in isolated issues.

Counselor caters every participant on individual basis

The information gathered by the councilor help him to solve the problems of the individual

The counselor can change the negative thinking of the participant.

In individual counseling, the counselor can control the behavior of the individual by showing the level of commitment.


Following are the disadvantages of individual counseling

Participants hold the privacy of disclosing the information

The participant may not be able to generate creative ideas

The participant may not be comfortable (Chen & Milligan, 2013).

Anger management

Anger management holds a crucial position in the prevention of violent crime. The programs that specifically aim to anger management can be highly effective. It has been witnessed that violent crime is not necessarily associated with anger but the main reason is that poor anger control plays a vital role in committing the crime.

It is shown that management techniques or anger help to change the way we express our anger or rage. While newspaper anger can be as healthy to release negative emotions, but when it becomes the main way ...
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