This paper tends to throw light on our existing Correction system and suggest ways to improve our Correction system so that our coming generations does not curse us for this offense. This paper would also try to chalk out an effective conclusion out of the entire discussion.
Table of Contents
The Educational Program2
Non-Violent Offenders2
Violent Offenders3
Future of Today's Correction System
Our Correction system definitely needs improvement as it has failed to fulfill its prime objective which is to convert the offender into a responsible and productive citizen of the country. United states have set an example for other countries in every other field, except this meadow. As it evidently, requires changes before it runs too late and gets out of our hands. Before sorting out the problems, there is a need to understand the odds of the system so that the future correction system is crafted on the paths which tends to fulfill its prime objective as stated above in the course of this paper. This correction system will die its own death if the corrective measures are not taken.
The current Correction System tends to act in opposition of its spirit, as it tends to serve the offender. Instead of framing such laws that the offender coming in should pay for it, the current laws tend to charge other citizens of the country in order to craft out a costly quarter for the offender with all the facilities at his or her disposal. United States of America currently has the highest rate of internment in the world which even goes beyond South Africa (Brandon, 2011). Despite of these turbulent times the United States tends to pay $16 billion each year to provide the offenders every facility one can think of. The faults in our Correction system do not end here rather it tends to keep on stretching. With the highest rates of imprisonment and spending, such high budgets on their facilities why one wants to improve would. However, the greater numbers do reflect the fact that despite the facilities being provided the current system fails to ensure the safety of the offenders. The money, which is injected, by the government now tends to go in creating new facilities for the offenders rather than changing their mindsets (Clemens, 2010).
The Educational Program
The offenders who tend to come in should definitely learn something, so that when he or she goes out ...