Corporate & Social Responsibility

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Corporate & Social Responsibility

Corporate & Social Responsibility

Part I

Aerosols are ordinary, handy, and nontoxic, right? It's difficult to imagine that

These daily actions could be upsetting the environment ten miles over Earth's plane for the subsequent hundred years, but in the 1970s, chemists named F. Sherwood Rowland and Mario Molina discovered the hazardous secrets of the hairsprays that we use frequently in our everyday life (Muldown, H. 2011).

Claire Cares for Ozone

In US Claire Manufactures is a big name in producing the quality product line of Aerosols. Its product line is comprises of the insecticides, disinfectants, polishes and cleaners.. Clair as an Aerosol producer is very responsive and responsible towards the corporate and social issues. Clair is an active participant of the PLZ Aero science group of families. Clair is a socially responsible organization addressing specifically to the Ozone depletion and global warming control program in US by producing the DfE (Design for Environment) products to fulfill the EPA's (Environmental Protection Agency) strict criteria for environment safety. It focused on producing the DfE certified and the possible safest chemical items in order to protect people, environment and other businesses in its surrounding. A product marked with DfE helps the consumer to quickly identify the environment friendly product. Claire is one of the member companies that heavily invested in research and development program of EPA and can proudly display the logo of DfE that ensures that the product contains the ingredients that post the least harmful effect on the environment (Crutzen, P. J., & Oppenheimer, M. 2008).

Part II

Recycling: Economics & Issues

Recycling at a general level costs lessen than does for dumping. According to most recent statistics and figures from (NSWMA) National Solid and Waste Management association the recycling economics are essentially local as tipping and hauling fees are required to be paid to the truck service. This service of operation and handling usually varies between the $24 to $70 per ton from the regions of central and western US to North east respectively. In US the recycling and the solid management program can be considered as the money saver contributing to save $34.29 to the national economy on an average (Chen, J. C., Patten, D. M., & Roberts, R. W. 2008).

Recycling appear to be uneconomical because people prefer paying the higher costs for recycling directly instead of the local governments that pay fee to the disposal service to reduce the direct costs to the residents. This creates confusions between the recycling and trash disposals. Recycling is economic in a way that it saves future disposal cost. One of the main reason of frequent use of recycling plan by the organizations is that it is economical than the trash management because you need a new land filling area every time you get saturated. Recycling plant keeps the older land filling area useable for a longer period of time. A local business can follow these steps to improve their monetary incentives for recycling (The Clayton News-Star, Clayton Sees Recycling ...
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