Corporate Social Responsibility

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Corporate Social Responsibility

Research Proposal


Organizations are going through several unprecedented pressures from several bodies including government, communities, socially responsible investors, non governmental organizations and regulators, to adopt socially responsible approach of conducting business. Organizations, which think forward, have been increasingly adopting these terms with the fact that in case they ignore them, they will have a significant risk while they respond proactively to emerging opportunities (William, et al., 2010, pp. 32-33).

Although corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is inherent in the company, it has recently become a new way of managing and doing business in which the company ensures that its operations are sustainable in economic, social and environmental issues, recognizing the interests of different groups that are related and seeking environmental preservation and sustainability of the future generations (Crowther and Rayman-Bacchus, 2003, pp- 77-89).

Corporate social responsibility should be based on the values ??expressed by the company and should be reflected in a comprehensive set of policies, practices and programs along with institutionalization of business operations. An important additional element is that CSR should be supported and fuelled by the mission of the organization. This allows the company to increase its competitiveness through the creation of trust as the basis of your business. In conclusion, CSR leads to conscious action and committed to continuous improvement and consistent measure that allows the company to generate added value for all its stakeholders, and thus be sustainably competitive (Cq Researcher, 2009, pp. 67-69).

Problem Statement

As per the analysis of studies, we have come to know that engagement of organizations in Corporate Social Responsibility has led to several positive results of businesses. Organizations have witnessed better employee commitment increased customer loyalty and growth in revenues and productivity. On the other hand, it has been considered that organization can maintain transparency and dialogues with the communities and other stakeholders in order to develop its trustworthiness. The organizations easily manage their communication and relationship with the community through disclosure of Mission of CSR stakeholder management and CSR reports. However, majority of scholars from developing countries consider that the phenomenon of CSR has been emerged from western organizations with developed economies. It is a Western ideology designed around the pressures and needs of developed economies. CSR is not transferable to corporations operating in the developing world. This is not the true case. There are several organizations in developing countries, which have adopted CSR approach in the community in which they conduct their business operations. In this study, we will study the pressures that organizations are facing to embrace CSR together with the fact that organizations can maintain transparency with the help of better stakeholder management and open communication channels. In addition, we will study how the organizations of developing world have adopted CSR and how successful they are in terms of business growth and brand image (Dunphy, et al., 200, pp. 34-51).

Research Questions

This study aims to answer following questions:

What are the pressures faced by the organizations of present world to embrace CSR?

How the organizations can maintain transparency and trustworthiness ...
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