Corporate Social Responsibility

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Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility


Corporate social responsibility has become a recurring theme within organizations over the last decade. This movement is characterized fundamentally by a proposed resumption of ethical issues both within organizations and in their relationship with external stakeholders, namely consumers, customers, suppliers, government and shareholders, called stakeholders.

Organizations, from a posture dictates socially responsible, have undertaken actions Social ranging from traditional philanthropy to partnerships with the third sector, and include programs corporate volunteering and protecting the environment, and the establishment of codes of ethics aimed at regulating the conduct of its members (Cosans, 2009).

It appears, however, that, although important contributions to a critical view about the corporate social responsibility should be marked, most studies that address the matter are characterized by a rather optimistic about the topic. It has been observed, however, that behind the cover speech, which reveals only the good intentions and motivations socially acceptable for this new organizational paradigm, there other reasons why organizations to join the movement for social reasons such that neither always assumed publicly, mostly, are not questioned by the academic world.

One can also point to contradictions between what organizations preach about actions said social and organizational practices. Furthermore, and most importantly, must question the actual conditions to eliminate social contradictions within a system characterized it itself as a living contradiction, as capitalism. Thus, we intend to test this theory cast a critical eye on the phenomenon of responsibility corporate social to reveal some contradictions between this movement and the system capital, they are engaged organizations, as well as to bring out what the speeches organization are scrambling to hide. It is necessary, first, to clarify that this article aims to discuss the non-social actions their individual character, but all of the shares that are in the range of corporate social responsibility, so that we can identify the contradictions and other motivations involved in the movement of corporate social responsibility, and question ability and interest in effective organizations resolve the social and environmental adversities (Banerjee, 2008).

Considering that corporate social responsibility is based on three fundamental pillars, namely, business ethics, preservation of natural resources and respect for workers, begins this work with a discussion on the relations established between capital and the three fundamental elements of socially responsible actions, allowing to analyze the contradictions inherent in capitalism itself. Then, from a careful reading of the speeches that sustain the social responsibility actions, seeks to investigate the reasons that are hidden by behind the benevolence of the capital to the social as well as expose contradictions between what is preached and which effectively practiced within organizations, the discussion ends with the completion of job.

Ethics and Capital, Natural Resources and the Human “Resources”

Individuals reproduce their existence through primary functions of mediations that established between them and the exchange and interaction with nature, given “the ontology uniquely human labor”. The functionality of mediations first order, however, was affected by the advent of the second order mediations of capital, which began to conduct the first ...
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