Corporate Management In Action

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Corporate Management in Action

Corporate Management in Action


Effective learning enables students to direct their own learning process. Students develop their skills and are in charge of the learning process. This makes important impacts on their self development in an effective learning setting. This nourishes their ability to shape their minds according to situations, assume change, and practice being proactive. Self directness is hence a touchstone of an effective learning and development process. Students should be enabled to self direct while learning so they may develop approaches that are realistic, and self sustaining. This guarantees their success in the practical life when they are faced with challenging situations. Covey (1989) recognizes the importance of self-directedness, which he calls proactivity, by including it as one of the habits characterizing highly-effective individuals: "It means more than merely taking initiative. Self directed students are more competitive in terms of handling and tackling every day real-life situations as compared to students who are restricted to theories and learn without applying. This arrangement provides highly effective individuals who are successful not only in the industry they operate, but also in their career pursuits and endeavour.

Description of Learning Process

Corporate management or business management allows for a chance to develop professionally sound concepts along with providing opportunities for self development and career assessment. While students learn how to manage businesses, they in turn are learning how to develop themselves. This allows for improvements in all areas of life of a student. An effective learning scenario calls for dedication to achieve and a willingness to survive in even the toughest of situations. Hence we can easily relate professional and personal development in the context of corporate management (Keven, 1999, 132).

When students develop their own thoughts during the learning process, they set their own goals. This exercise enables them to develop their own strategies in different dimensions. This results in a range of ideas, models and concepts that are self created and effective for sustainable learning and development. Essentially, they are "thinking about thinking," a process known as Meta cognition. Meta cognition is an effective strategy that enables students decides what is to be done, how it is to be done, monitoring their progress and evaluating their results. This creates a feeling of empowerment. Students feel they are controlling their own cognitive processes that encourage them to self create their own ways of learning about things. They also indulge in discussions about what they have learnt throughout the sessions.

Critical Review

This unit of study enables learning and development for students as individuals where they create their own identity along with the identification of different concepts and ideologies throughout the learning period. They are exposed to real-life happenings that nurture their minds and appreciate creative thinking. Students are able to create skills beyond the traditional work practices. Their knowledge is no more restricted to bookish content. They are better able to apply what they have studied over time. Hence an environment of liberating and motivating opportunities is ...
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