Corporate Governance

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Corporate Governance

[Date of Submission]

Context of Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance is related to giving a direction to the company as according to which the company's plans and manages its goals and objectives that it strives to achieve. Furthermore, the corporate governance is the concept of monitoring the direction of the company that is given by the higher management of the company and to confirm that if the direction given by the company is in the interest of the company or not. This on the other hand also helps the company to work in a direction that is best for the interest of its stakeholders and to monitor that the company is not going into any negative direction. Furthermore, Corporate governance is the concept of the financial suppliers or the investor of the company to monitor that if the company is working for their interest and if it will be giving them a favorable return on their investment or not.

The corporate governance of the Town Regeneration Partnership Company can be that the board members that have newly been appointed of the company, as described in the case scenario. The corporate governance as should be performed by the board members of the company should include the monitoring of the major actions that are being taken by the company, they are in alignment in the long term interest of the company, i.e. it should be in alignment with the stakeholder's interest. Moreover, the training that will be given to these new board members of the company should overlook the major actions of the company that are inter related with the overall profit of the company, while also keeping it on the track on its long term goals.

The training will also be focusing upon training the board members about the fact that they have to amend the direction of the company if necessary to guide it in a direction through which the productivity of the company can be increased in any way which is better than that of the company's current profitability index (Chiang & Chia, pp. 95-101).

Furthermore, the CEO of the organization will be serving as the head of the company as well as serving a dual role of serving as the chairman of the board committee of the company. This in turn also shows that the company can have executive directors and non executive directors as well. The non executive members will not be a part of the company, while the executive members of the committee are the part of the company. In the corporate governance of US, the non members of the company who are serving as the part of the board of the company, they are to be of more in number as compared to the members of the committee who are serving as the member of the board.

Furthermore, the company is also responsible for looking after the compensation rate and other employee related benefits and issues that are of concern for the employees and in which their exist great interest ...
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