Corporate Ethics

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Corporate Ethics


The last decades of the twentieth century were marked by profound changes in the world, stimulated largely by the political democratization, the opening of trade borders and by an unprecedented technological development. The magnitude of these changes has economic, social and cultural rights on a global scale, whose effects cannot yet be accurately anticipated or appreciated. The following paper hereby discusses the global ethical issues and how organizations deal with the ethical issues, they face.


Ethics is a branch of philosophy that includes the study of morality, virtue, duty and living well. Ethics identifies, examines and defines what is moral, based on previously established a distinction between what is good or bad, and how to rationally justify moral systems from the deeds of man, where interact freely and consciously with men and with the surrounding environment, is the protagonist. Any company that seeks to achieve a comparative advantage with its competitors should be based on a set of core competencies, of which stands the development of human capital (Trevin~o & Weaver, 2003). However, this development should not be measured from the strictly intellectual. The company now needs to be based on personal values and ethics of its members to form a corporate culture that becomes a central advantage. Companies are aware of the ethical importance and that is why they are formulating their ethical code of conducts. However, the mere existence of such codes of conduct is insufficient and superficial. His own essence marks its limitations: for it is a theoretical rule to be memorized while ethical, behavior is a result of the essence of Being Single. This is one of the ethical issues, in my opinion; affect many organizations, given its impact on managers and staff: Double Moral Conviction simulation before (Dyer, 2003).

On the other hand, the companies estimate, consciously monitor and evaluate the economic benefits of each of their actions. Any action that directly or indirectly leads to the achievement of these strategic objectives is welcomed. The company today should not be satisfied with that. Should be estimated, consciously monitor and evaluate the content, form and consequences (good or bad) that each share would also from an ethical standpoint. The end does not justify the means. Therefore, the desire to gain market position, to maximize profits or earn a specific competitor, regardless of the value or depth of the benefits that carry, should not justify unfair competition, fraud, advertising, payment of hidden fees and other tactics in the name of success are generally used. Every company wants to achieve its objectives, but undermine the prestige and moral values they represent and others perceive it should not be a cost to pay. Competition is not only being competitive but to be competent. Finally, the pursuit of a goal, even if their achievement is positive from an ethical standpoint, should be controlled or abandoned if it is foreseen that could result in a disproportionately negative long term. Thus, we have such scientific research and the eternal ethical dilemma on the ...
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