Corporate Compliance About Boeing Airplanes

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Corporate Compliance about Boeing Airplanes


Planning, an imperative part of any business environment, is a daily focus at Boeing Corporation. The organization faces daily challenges to produce products to fit the consumer wants for air travel, comfort, and efficiency. While Boeing deals with a constant need for innovative ideas it also deal with the challenges of its main competitor airbus whom has historically been subsidized by many of the European nations to compete with Boeing for a larger share of the market.

It was the jet Boeing didnt build that averted what could have become one of the worst crash landings in the companys 91-year history--and cleared Boeing to conquer the skies again. (Masters, 2007). Boeings Management teams work hard to plan what projects will be best for customers, lead to the largest returns to shareholders, and keep a reputation of being a world leader in the aviation industry. In October 2002, executives of the aircraft manufacturer met with a group of global airline representatives at a conference center on the Seattle waterfront. The executives were trying desperately to figure out what to build next to hold off a soaring Airbus.


Boeing Corporation is at an all time high for sales. For the first time, its commercial-airplane unit earned more than its defense side. (Masters, 2007) Boeings backlog of orders increased 47% to a record 208 Billion, more than seven times the units 2006 revenues. (Masters, 2007) This has presented a separate problem for the organization. While Boeing has global operations Boeing is not prepared to produce the number of orders currently on the books. Boeings nightmare scenario is a repeat of the 1980s, when the industry poured cash into building more production capacity only to witness market demand crash a few years later. Management is at this point outsourcing 20% ...
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