Corporate Communication

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Corporate Communication


Corporate communication plays an effective role in the success and failure of the corporation. Communication is an effective process which helps in building strong relationships of the organization with its shareholders, stakeholders and customers. There are different modes and medium of communication and the management can plan, develop and implement strategies which can help for the purpose of communicating information and messages in an effective manner. This report focuses on the importance of corporate communication and how it can effectively help in the success and development of the corporation. The communication approaches as well as barriers of effective communication are discussed in this report. There are certain implications of interpersonal relationships on the communication process, which needs to be identified. The management of corporations set policies which promotes ethics and values in organization, and this also results in affecting the communication process. Decision making is one of the key functions of nay organization, and communication plays an effective role in making decisions. The report also presents the ideas and theories of different scholars related to the importance of communication and its process.

Corporate Communication


Organization issues different messages to its public, and these messages are known to be a part of corporate communication. The employees of the organization as well as the shareholders and stakeholders are considered as the internal public for the organization. While the media, channel partners, industry bodies and general public is considered as the external public. The corporate communication includes transferring information related to the business. This information is passed for different reasons and purposes. The information related to the financial condition of the company is communicated with the stakeholders so that they can transmit coherence. Corporate communication helps in making everyone aware of the mission and vision of the corporation, so that everyone knows about them. It also helps in managing the reputation of the organization, so that they can develop good relations with their customers. Communication helps in building trust as well as building favorable relationships with customers and stake holders. Communication is an effective process which helps the organization in improving its efficiency and performance (Saunders, Lewis, 2009, pp. 45).

Defining Corporate Communication

In order to effectively and efficiently maintain the activities of the organizations, corporate communication is necessary. It is generalized as a framework which outlines all the activities of the organization. Corporate communication strategies are established for this purpose, which helps in gaining success. The communication process should always be two sided, so that both the parties and individuals can effectively communicate their thoughts and feelings and also provide proper feedback. In order to have effective communication, it is necessary to plan proper corporate communication and implement this plan accordingly. There are three mainstays which help in planning and implementing a successful corporate communication plan. The mainstays include corporate behavior, corporate design and corporate communication. Public Relations and advertising play an important role in the communication process, as it delivers the corporate message to its stakeholders, customers as well as ...
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