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Distributed computing is one of the main issues of current and future computing. Architecture of centralized terminal that served as a model yet there is little time, we moved to the client / server architecture. Information is now distributed among different servers in the system and not centralized on a single server: it is divided and distributed to customers seamlessly. The information distributed, so that's the key word.

CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture)is a technology that hides the low-level programming of distributed applications, so that the programmer does not have to take to deal with sockets, data flows, packets, sessions etc. CORBA hides these low level details. However CORBA also provides the programmer an object-oriented technology, functions and data are grouped into objects, these objects can be in different machines, but the programmer will access them through normal functions within your program. CORBA as well as several technology accepted today is only a specification that was created in 1989 by the OMG (Object Management Group). As the organization's name implies, sets standards for the CORBA object communication through procedures / remote methods.

Features and Services of CORBA


Unlike COM, CORBA from the outset considered as a technology building scalable systems. Separation of ownership CORBA objects and their sideboard, a scheme of correspondence between them, the characteristics of object adapters, the model of flow control and connection, the activation scheme of application servers, multi-purpose solutions to preserve the state of objects, an automatic context management and transaction security - all this is very conducive to solving this problem.


With CORBA things more difficult - mainly because the task was to create a universal security system that could use all the major existing in this field of technology.

Work on the Security Service (Security Service) lasted 2 years, and its specification was adopted in 1996, it contains about 250 pages. It ensures the security level B2 (a level close to the highest level of protection that is used in public institutions). The main burden rests with the administrators. Everything is fine, but there is one small problem - where to get a full-scale, high-quality implementation of this service? Such realizations exist (Gradient, Concept-5), but their use is limited outside the U.S. Security service from Borland / Visigenic this year has not appeared yet (although work on it goes).


CORBA has a slightly higher level of fault tolerance due to the greater isolation of clients and servers to automatically save the state of objects, more powerful and sophisticated transaction management scheme (including automatic rollback transaction timeout), and automatically bind an object reference and a specific object CORBA .

Transaction Management

Transaction management takes on the so-called transaction management service CORBA (Object Transaction Service, OTS). It is much more flexible, mature and formalized system than MTS, and contains everything you need in the CORBA-model. Application Server and CORBA Transaction Service start and run independently of each other. An important feature of CORBA is closely OTS and ORB, which provides automatic distribution of transaction context in a multithreaded distributed ...