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Copyright law

Copyright law


Intellectual property laws consist of distinct creations for which certain exclusive rights are recognized under the corresponding fields of law. The intellectual property laws provide individual various rights over tangible and intangible assets such as music, literature work, discoveries and symbols and designs. The several kinds of intellectual property rights include copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design and trade secrets that are a part of the legal system and many jurisdictions in nations around the world. The intellectual property rights evolved in the late 20th century and gradually gained popularity. The British statute of Anne is considered as the origins of copyright and patent law.

The objective of property rights is to provide absolute protection to individuals and organizations over their intangible assets. The intellectual property laws actually states that the inventors will not receive sufficient inventions unless they are legally permitted to capture the social value.


The intellectual property rights protect the rights of inventors who create original work. It almost covers everything including original plays, novels and many company's identification symbols. The objective of intellectual property laws is to promote innovation while increasing economic growth. When organization become aware that their creativity will be protected, they are more likely to develop new technologies and become more efficient. The various intellectual property rights are described below ( Correa, 2009,pp.29).


Trademarks are indicators and distinctive signs that are utilized by individuals and many organizations of the society for the identification of products and services to consumers. The trademark actually helps the customer to recognize and distinguish the products from other entities.

A trademark actually represents a name, symbols and signs and designs and combination of these factors. Many non conventional trademarks are also developed that don't lie in the category of standard trademarks such as trademarks based on colour and smell. The owner of the trademark has complete right and can file case against the person who utilizes the work of an owner without his permission. In case unregistered trademark, the owner can only protect its invention within the geographical location which has been used in that particular area. It will be difficult for the owner to expand it to other areas in case of unregistered trademark.


Patents also come under the category of the intellectual property rights. It comprises of various exclusive rights that are provided by the jurisdictions and legal entities to an inventor and the creator of the object. The right is given for a limited period of time. The procedure for giving patents to owner varies in different countries. The requirements and the rights given to patentee and the time period of each right are different nations of the world. The patent is required to input more than one claims so that relevancy of the law can be fulfilled by the patentee. The right which is given to the patentee assists him and protects his invention from being used and sold without legal permission (Correa, 2009: pp. 32).

Design rights

Design rights are also a kind of intellectual rights that is a significant ...
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