Helping Families and Children Cope with Death and Mourning
This research papers explores the consequences of the occurrence of death in any circumstances, and studies about the teaching practices that could help children coping with the death of a loved one. Due to high death rate in the world, every second people die due to several reasons that could be one of the natural deaths or could occur due to fatal illness or disease, or due to any mishap or accident. Thus, children, adult or families may perhaps face with the issues of death every day around the world. This is the responsibility of the adult who highly have an influence on the children's lives to help the child during the time of the mourning process with an intention to help them coping up with the issue effectively. Many areas have been explored in this paper, which provides the information that can be used as supporting tools in church for the mourning processes. Main focal point needs to be considered, that children have different mourning processes, and it is also that many external factors may influence the process to become harsher on the child's mental ability. Many strategies and plans have been recommended and disclosed that could help children, adults, and families to interact and share their thoughts and feelings experienced during a time of mourning.
Table of Contents
Problem Statement2
purpose Of This Study2
Research Objective2
Research Questions2
Mourning Protection Method3
Denial Defense Mechanism3
Cognitive Denial3
Affective Denial3
Splitting Defense Mechanism3
Devaluation Defense Mechanism4
Signs of Grieving in Children & Adolescents4
Helping Children Cope with the Death: A Teaching Plan6
Using Creative Activities as Intervention8
what's Your Worry?9
transform Your Worry9
Magic Book9
Memory Box10
how Can Teachers Help The Children?10
Helping Families and Children Cope with Death and Mourning
When a death occurs in a family or any loved one died due to any illness or fatal accidents, several things changes around the people surrounding the dead. This happens with everyone though it is an adult or a child. Children have different mourning processes, they react very differently than an adult does and thus, and they express their feelings and thoughts quite different than the adults react. Sometimes an adult might also demonstrate quite different reaction than is generally expected from an adult (Denison, 2005). A child may share their feeling also react in an array of ways. Some may perhaps does not react at all, and stay remains out of any mental trauma that could cause by the death. Several children's experience of being into mourning process starts when they see their pet dying. Similarly for many children it starts with the death of a family member, and thus, their experience of being into bereavement starts (Corr, 2003).
Child may perhaps undergo in a state where they seem to be confused, and stays in a blank state of mind without any expectations following the death of a member of the family or a friends or either a pet. The way a child or an adult would response will entirely be depended on the age they possess also influenced by the previous experiences with the death cases, and ...