Cool Plc

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Cool Plc

Cool Plc

Thinking and Strategy for Cool PLC


Globalization results in rapid and constant business environmental changes. As a result, most organizations tend to be more transformational organization so as to be flexible to respond promptly to those changes. Strategic change is one of the effective solutions to this situation. This paper will discuss the nature of strategic change in the first part. The next section is an analysis of Cool Plc. Finally, discussion will be made whether the strategic change will bring them sustainable competitive advantage.

Perhaps the most widely discussed phenomenon in the field of organizational dynamics and development in the last 20 years, organizational change refers to the confusing set events, activities, initiatives and campaigns for companies that have one thing in common: some kind of movement from a number of thoughts or behaviour in a different set of thoughts or behaviour.


This movement can be distinguished in terms of scale or the size and quantity and completeness. This could involve the entire organization, or subsystem (the department or functional unit) of the organization. It may attempt to transform the entire organization, as well as in organizing the transition from the traditional hierarchy of authority involvement, flatter structure, or moving into foreign markets with a new strategy, or it may request further changes, both in the Re-organization the latest technology with the support of production, introduction of new staff personnel forms, or to identify new ways for teachers and teacher notes. Changes can also be right, try to minor problems or development, to think properly, as some things are such that the same problems do not repeat.

Before going to the discussion, let's remind the problem that is being currently faced by Cool Plc. As the Cool Plc has numerous contact centres all over the region, these contact centres are facing serious problems of calls lost and email backlogs. To be effective transformation organization, a company needs to be ready for incessant change of outside and also inside circumstances. The factors which lead to strategic change in organization are categorized as external environment, including competitor's movement, governmental regulation, trade constraint, economic situation, information technology advance and market infrastructure: such as accessibility and cost of supply and internal environment containing new vision and operation, bringing new technology in institute, organizational culture, and merger and acquisition.

For example, multinational companies need to adjust the way they do business to fit with each marketplace in order to succeed their businesses by maintaining the global standard in terms of the components of marketing mix, such as quality of products. In contrast, some policies of management, such as human resource management, distribution procedure, pricing and advertising, must be adapted to agree with local law and culture.

Moreover, contemporary business system which has been becoming more globalization, rapidly and continuously change in technology industry, and higher degree of competition in each industry, forces organizations which would like to survive by innovating themselves to be more flexible in order to respond rapid change effectively ...
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