Cool Jazz

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Cool Jazz


Music is food for the soul to the panacea for the mind. Music can help improve memory. Music is a universal language that has acquired many forms due to the influence of culture and tradition. The music continues to touch hearts the world over, regardless of color and race. In the world we live in today there many different types of music that comes from all types of people, countries and origins. Rock, blues, neo-soul, classical, hip-hop, techno and even heavy metal are just brief descriptions of the many genres of music (Feather, 106). One genre of music that is most popularly known worldwide is Jazz. In this paper we are going to analyze one of the most famous styles of music, cool Jazz, this paper will include history of cool jazz and analysis of the father of the this style. The purpose of this paper is to let readers know more facts on this style of music.


Before discussing cool jazz it is very important to have a brief discussion on Jazz. Jazz is one of the most historical forms of music in America, contributing to several cultural achievements and society. The history of jazz has an extensive timeline of history dating back to the early 1700's and 1800's which is also known as the slave era and the ragtime era (Case, 106). This unique form art has helped to unite people of all races, regions and national boundaries. Even though it is a form of entertainment, it has been used to widely voice sentiments on slavery, freedom, creativity, and American character both in the United States and also overseas. Jazz music consists of many forms such as European, ragtime, modal, afro-cuban jazz, fusion and many more. Initially, people played and heard hot jazz but with passage ...