The most egalitarian groups are found among the hunter-gatherers, in the sense that their members exhibit the smallest Regarding differentiation status, prestige, power and property. Those in groups one also looked for a larger equality among the sexes but in spite of a lot of controversy on the subject, it is noticed that it is not among the hunter-gatherers is that the genders are equal in terms of symbolic value to associate their activities. There, the happens in virtually all traditional societies, the man has more power and his tasks are more valued. In spite of the great importance of the role played by women in several instances of social and economic life - Overcoming the sometimes masculine Contribution to the activities linked to the hunt and the war put the power decisively in the men's hand among the hunter-gatherers.
The stigmatization of groups of hunter-gatherers affect the nature of trade. Inserted into a system of “immediate-return” ( immediate feedback ), ensure their livelihood and survival without major dependencies of the neighbors. Although obtaining these products as tobacco, metal arrows, knives and axes, clothing, flour, this may reveal that they are dependent on their neighbors but in reality this is not the truth, in the opinion of J. Woodburn.
Their livelihood comes from all that nature has to offer - make the gathering and hunting food for the day or for a few days following. The products are for themselves and negotiate only the surplus because they usually work for your neighbors to avoid commitments to others. In obtaining one or the other may well depend on your neighbors but it does mean that there are great relationships between them. Try to avoid the establishment of trade relations strong not to create a dependency between them ...