Control Systems

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Control Systems


Choosing the proper control system can be done through assessing change within the organization and knowing the ins and outs of each control system. Then one must pair the completed evaluation with the proper control system. The purpose of this paper is to understand control and outline control processes used within organizations along with the effects they bring, realizing that change may impact the organization and control processes must be altered to fit the changes. Control can have both negative and positive effects on any organization. The secret the proper balance is through realizing when a change needs to be made and realizing what methods of control and management should be used in the given situation.


In today's society control is deemed negative. However, when speaking in the terms of an organization, control can have a very positive influence. Only through control and structure can an organization increase performance and meet its goals. Structure is important for how things work whereas control is necessary to achieve. According to George and Jones in Essentials of Contemporary Management, controlling is the process whereby managers monitor and regulate how efficiently and effectively an organization and its members are performing the activities necessary to achieve organizational goals.


In order to understand control more clearly, control can be broken down into three types: feedforward, concurrent, and feedback. Feedforward control is when you try to control the issues before a process starts. Many standard operating procedures are based on feedforward control. Standard operating procedures are normally rolled out and changed due to issues that happened in the past that can easily be avoided by following simple rules. Concurrent control is not as simple. Concurrent control covers managing problems as they happen. Knowledge management systems allow a system whereas coworkers share the expertise and knowledge known in order to solve problems. If one does not take care of the problem as it occurs, feedback control will be necessary. Feedback control is taking care of the problems after the problems occur.

As with any process, the process of control definitely has structure. In order to be effective, there must be a brainstorming stage whereas the team or individual sets ground rules or standards and decides what they are aiming for, so current performance can be evaluated. Within my organization, this is generally done within executive management meetings. The management staff meet regularly in order to make sure the employees are on track with the organizational goals versus our individual goals when heading up each shift. Then the team decides if ground rules should add or be subtracted in order to achieve the organizational goals. Once goals are set, the executive management team takes a look at the current circumstances and measures performance based on the model accepted in the brainstorming session. After the evaluation is done, the team looks at the results and makes a plan of action to get the individual or team to the desired standard. This is never-ending process, as the management team needs ...
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