Contribution Of British Writers

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Contribution of British Writers

Contribution of British Writers


This paper talks about the contribution of British writers such as Mary Astell and Mary Wollstonecraft to understand the social and political situation of women. Only some of the upper class women had the right to get higher education, and the middle and lower class women had no right to get higher education. In all these situations, there was a need of revolution for providing the rights of women. Hence, numerous British writers took initiatives and raised their voice for rights of women. Other than that, Feminism movements also made a significant contribution in this regard. This piece of study lime lights the contribution made by British writers for understanding the political and social situation of women.

Historically, women had to stay out of life policy of nations. This sort of patriarchy, understood as the institutionalized male supremacy, had to face throughout several centuries. However, there were also numerous people who were able to stand up against repression and discrimination to consummate the equal rights. One of the great revolutions of the twentieth century has been the emergence of women in social life. Until the nineteenth century, the protagonists of the story were only men. They were due to the public sphere, work and politics that women were confined to private, home and children. At that time remained the feminine ideal imposed by religion, purity, submission and obedience to rigid social norms established. It was until the late nineteenth century that women began to awaken from its state of postponement, demanding ever more strongly their right to education, work and to vote. The role of numerous feminism movements and British writers cannot be underestimated.

Contribution of British writers

Among the famous British writers during seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Mary Astell and Mary Wollstonecraft come under the category of leading names. These centuries of enormous intellectual, social, and political transformations produced numerous legendary figures in the corresponding fields. These writers were innovative, critical, and at the same time skeptical. Their lasting contributions were toleration, liberty, equality, humanitarianism, and progress, which have became the essentials and ideals of modern society (Caine, 2004, pp.27). There are numerous names who contributed a lot in writing for women, but this paper aims to focus on the works of Mary Astell and Mary Wollstonecraft.

Mary Wollstonecraft

Mary Wollstonecraft was a philosopher and a famous British writer. During the start of her career, she was interested in writing treatise, travel narrative books or children, and treatise. One of her best known works include A Vindication of the Rights of Women, in which the argument is that women are inferior to men naturally, but this is the case because they do not receive the same level of education (Todd, 2002, pp.107). Moreover, she argues that men and women should be treated as equal human beings and imagines a social position based on rational and reason.

Mary Wollstonecraft was born in 1759 in England. Her family had lack of financial resources and she had an alcoholic ...
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