Contrast Attention Deficit Disorder Vs. Dyslexia

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Contrast Attention Deficit Disorder Vs. Dyslexia


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD for short, Eng. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)) - neurological- behavioral developmental disorder that begins in childhood. Manifested by such symptoms as difficulty concentrating, hyperactivity and impulsivity, poorly managed. ADHD and its treatment cause a lot of controversy starting from 1970. Some believe that ADHD does not exist at all; others believe that there are genetic and physiological causes of this condition. Many do not agree with that used for the treatment of ADHD stimulant medications.

In contrast, Dyslexia is define as a disorder a child experience in the classroom and fails to understand the reading skills, writing skills, Phonology skills and spelling difficulty with rhyme appropriate with their academic abilities. Generally, this is an ordinary disability a children faces and this can continue all the way through life. The cause of dyslexia is not because of the vision problem, hearing problem or brain damage or anything like this but because of the brain which cannot interpret or decode the descriptions or images received from the eyes or ears into unambiguous language.

Diagnostic Diagnosis

It is not easy to establish a diagnosis of ADD, because the same symptoms can result from other disorders related more or less closely with ADHD. Therefore, the diagnosis of ADD based on a thorough assessment of the child and his environment. The physician is primarily interested in psychomotor development of children. Parents are invited to give a history of child development. Psychological and neuropsychological tests may also be useful to assess his IQ and potential for academic learning. Teachers can also contribute to the evaluation of the child. The latter was finally asked about his current difficulties. There are no neurological or psychological tests that can diagnose the disease formally.

In contrast, Dyslexia is a specific reading disorder whose cause is neurological and hereditary. Because dyslexia is a real handicap that has a negative impact on academic performance, it is part of a major cause of learning disabilities. Dyslexia is a condition that lasts a lifetime and for which there is still no treatment that can totally eliminate it. By cons, studies show that individuals struggling with some type of dyslexia can benefit greatly from re-education programs, based on a scientific basis, if they are strictly applied.

In addition, there is a growing medium that are developed to overcome the difficulties associated. When accommodations are implemented by educational institutions, they typically allow dyslexics to achieve the expected success academically and in their careers. A person is identified as dyslexic if there is a gap of at least two years between his age of intellectual functioning and age for reading (determined by the speed and / or accuracy of the reading) without this difference can be explained by impaired intellectual, sensory disorders (vision or hearing), or a lack of educational opportunity.


ADHD is a complex disease that has no single cause. It is a neurological disorder linked to abnormal development and brain function.

Thus, the researchers found that among children or adults with ...
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