Contradictions In Piraha Culture

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Contradictions in Piraha Culture


Every part of life with the Pirahas and life in the Amazon gives a description in such a magical way that it is hard to feel for the darker parts of the book. Yet, this goes perfectly with the way of the Pirahas themselves which is never worrying attitude (they do not even have words for war or worry), living peacefully and almost always smiling despite (or perhaps because of) having no personal possessions. The Pirahas refuse most tools and almost all knowledge from other cultures, learning only a few words of Portuguese in order to trade. Their language is unique and relates strongly to the river they live on and their life in the jungle. They had no numerical system and no color names, only descriptions.

Research Statement

Study the contradiction of the Piraha culture with Daniel Everett's research.


Daniel Everett points out, "The Pirahas are supremely gifted in all the ways necessary to insure their continued survival in the jungle. They know the usefulness and location of all important plants in their area; they understand the behavior of local animals and how to catch and avoid them; and they can walk into the jungle naked, with no tools or weapons, and walk out three days later with baskets of fruit, nuts, and small game."

Piraha's culture relates to the personal experiences in direct, and the matters concerning their culture are completely related to the research as a culture. With no such living memory which could be memorable. They have a very decent and implicit kinship system, which beholds baíxi (meaning the immediate parents, elders, grandparents, etc), hoagí or hoísai (son), and piihí (an orphan or a favorite child), kai (daughter), and xahaigí (sibling). All this includes the way they have a living and the socializing limit.

Everett writes that amongst the Piraha's values, the strongest one is where there is no coercion tolerated. One cannot just tell the other of what to do or what is to be done. There are no particular formal leaders and thus, there is no such social hierarchy noticed. Therefore, the social structure is then classified as the primitive communism as there are many things in common that collaborate with the other hunters of the land, being in contact with them. However, their social composition might not be communal, yet it is primitive, as they are very individualistic and the autonomy remains in existence ...
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