Contract Law

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Contract Law

Contract Law


The issue that is being discussed here is between an employee and employer, the employee and employer are bound in a contract that is JCT contract, the issue is concerned to a construction project. That is under development but the problem is that the employee is requesting for the payment from his employer during the course of his employment. On the other hand the employer is arguing that the employee is not entitled to payment because he caused the delay to the completion date of the project. Here in this case the employer is the owner on the other hand the employee is the contractor who caused the delay in the completion of the project. While the argument is continue as the contractor is constantly saying that the employer caused the delay so he is entitled to the payment.


Delays are considered as an irritation on a number of projects of construction. The contractors always make clears that they will complete the project but most of the times it does not possible. To complete a project of construction on time is often considered as one of the most important aims and objectives on the majority of schemes. All too over and over again however unexpected events occur that have the consequence of blowing the service provider off route ensuing in a disappointment to complete the given project on time. It's not all terrible news on the other hand for contractor as nearly all of the normal forms of the contract give grounds that defence the contractor who over and over again failed to complete the project on time moreover allow extension of time. This gives a way to escape from the most important financial legal responsibility in the shape of liquidated compensation that more often than not runs from a delay that is not excusable to completion of project (Ramus et al, 2006, pp. 13-19).

The JCT Contract for the Construction Project

JCTS are essentially are the contract of joint tribunal that is known as the “Joint Contracts Tribunal” are built under the standard contracts, supervision, management or control notes as well as other normal documentations for the clients utilized in the industry of construction. The JCT is consists of 8 members, that is to say the Construction Confederation, British Property Federation, Association of Consulting Engineers, the Local Government Association, the Royal Institute of British Architects, the National Specialist Contractors Council, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and the Building Contract Committee of Scotland. The most important contracts which are shaped by the JCT are, form main project, the normal form of any building contract, transitional form of a building contract, contract management, negligible works contract, construction contract proprietor occupant / home, wherever the client is dealing straightforwardly with the contractor or builder, construction contract proprietor occupant / home who has taken into service an advisor, contract maintenance as well as repairs, construction management along with documentation (Chappell, 2007, pp. 167-190).

The Joint Contracts Tribunal has also made the united ...
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