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Buyer at its option may require the seller to a proportionate reduction of the purchase price, free elimination of defects in the goods within a reasonable time, recover its costs to address the shortcomings of the goods. Even more severe consequences provided for in respect of the seller committed a fundamental breach of the requirements for the quality of goods (e.g., transfer to the buyer of faulty goods with a fatally flawed). In this case, the buyer (café owner) is entitled to choose to cancel the agreement and demand the return of the goods paid for the amount of money or require the replacement of goods of improper quality products that comply with the contract. The manager believed on the advertisement and the claims of the coffee seller (Premium coffee) and ordered three months of supply. But he realized that the quality assurance and claims of Premium Coffee were all false since his customers did not like the taste of the coffee. Premium Coffee also claimed that if there is less than one percent of customers are satisfied with their coffee, they would return double of the money.

When the seller provides the quality assurance of products included in the contract (contractual warranty), the seller must deliver goods to the buyer to meet the requirements for their quality, for a certain period of time established by the contract (guarantee period).

Of quality assurance products to be distinguished shelf life of goods, that is fixed by law and other regulations, state standards or other mandatory rules of the time period after which the product is unfit for its intended use. It is obvious that the contract cannot be included warranty period, exceeding the shelf life of products. In addition, the seller must deliver goods to the buyer in such a way that they can be used by application to the expiration date.

Seller's liability for the improper quality of the product will largely depend on whether there is a contract guarantee product quality. As a general rule (i.e., in the presence of the legal guarantee), the seller is responsible for the defects of the goods if the buyer can prove that they appeared before the passing of the risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to the purchaser or for reasons that have arisen so far.

Terms of contract

Various statements are being made by one party to encourage the other party to ...
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