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Contemporary Issues in Health, Wellbeing and Social Care

Contemporary Issues in Health, Wellbeing and Social Care


The landscape of health care in United States has prominently shifted since the last decade and expected to change radically over the next decade. Social and health are the major contributing factors for the wellbeing of the community as the health of people and communities are drastically affected by the environment, social policy and the relationships with the other people in the community. Contemporary societies are concerned with the diverse issues of health, society and lifestyle (The School of Social and Health Care, 2012).

The dynamic shift has brought abundant changes in the world not only in technology but also in every sector of the world. The health care industry is also facing a great transformation along with the other changes. Conditions are a lot much different today for both, people as well as health care providers as compared to the time of thirty years ago. People encounter totally different health care and social issues as compared to last decade which has brought a significant menace in the lives of people. Americans are facing noticeably different kind of illnesses and other alarming epidemic diseases and challenges with the passage of time.

This study aims at highlighting and investigating the contemporary wellbeing related issues in health and social care along with the various strategies to address with this rising health care crisis in the United Kingdom.


According to World Health Organization (WHO) that health comprises of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing. People are considerably facing a concern of health and social care issues every now and then which drastically impacts their wellbeing and mental health. The United Kingdom has been encountering the copious contemporary issues such as increasing obesity, increasing abuse of illicit substance, increasing diabetic illness, new types of cancers, and other inflammatory diseases which are now more alarming as what they were only a generation back (Teiger and Knox, 2012).

These issues need lifestyle correctness in order to eradicate these challenging and epidemic concerns from the society. Living the healthy and happy life has now become the challenge today as people are busy in moving on with the fast pace of changing world where their primary goal is to meet and reach the economic and personal goals to survive a life which is not likely to be a healthy one. This is why, many Americans have an unhealthy lifestyles where they prefer the fast food due to convenience. People do not get time for exercise out of their busy lives and even other leisure activities have become hard to fit in (Teiger and Knox, 2012). This busy and tight schedule has put the people in to the miseries of high level stress and depression. The elevated levels of stress and depression cause people to take pills and even involve them in the abuse of illicit substance.

Contemporary Issues facing United Kingdom

The United Kingdom is at risk of numerous contemporary issues related to healthcare, ...
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