Contemporary Healthcare Issues

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Contemporary Issues in Health and Social Care

Contemporary Issues in Health and Social Care

Explain How Information Relating To Health and Social Care Reaches the Public Domain

Information has the ability to encourage positive and constructive changes in the way we spend our lives. Furthermore it determines how public resources, like healthcare, are channeled and used by the general population. Generally it is crucial that people remain aware about healthcare interventions, policies and procedures in order to receive potential healthcare whenever required. However, to make people aware, it is important to develop a proper and organized framework of healthcare information to ensure that critical information keeps flowing to people who need it. It is important that right individual must get access to appropriate information. To attain this objective, the information route in social and health care must be organized in a complex way to ensure that it can be compiled and found for various purposes. Information must be structured, unambiguous and relevant.

Ensuring the efficient and well-structured supply of healthcare and social care information in not just a matter of the technical capability of the installed systems but also a matter of how the information is delivered and structured within the framework of healthcare organization by the resource level employs. Like every organization, healthcare organization also works to distribute the information using Information technology. With boom in IT industry healthcare sector uses IT resources like internet to transmit the information they want to convey. Media is another source of information flow from the healthcare domain to the public domain. The basic mode of information dissemination is mass media. Mass media includes print media and electronic media. Electronic media encompasses television, radio, tele-text, and video-text. Print media includes newspapers, newsletters, books and magazines.

Ensuring the efficient and well structured supply of healthcare and social care information is not just a matter of the technical.

Analyze different techniques for disseminating information relating to health and social care.

Radio and televisions are the two most widely used communications medium when it comes to distributing information to masses. By far the best strategy of disseminating information is through advertisement on television and radio. The ratio of television audience is way more than the ratio of radio and internet users. Hence if a healthcare message in form of advertisement, fictional dramas, real case enactment or as a public service message is conveyed through television, it'll reach masses quickly. After television come social forums. Social forums like facebook and twitter have increasingly been an important source of every type of information, including healthcare information. Pages on social forums serve as an important mode of information dissemination. Electronic dissemination via television, radio and internet are audience specific. You can easily reach your target audience through electronic media. However with benefits comes the drawback of electronic media. Quackeries and scams found on internet are increasingly disturbing to public health care domain. Not everything one reads on internet is reliable and there exists a lot of issues concerning validity and

Print media is ...
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