Contemporary Family In Australia

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Contemporary family in Australia

Contemporary family in Australia

Australian families have changed considerably within last thirty years, yet family is still the main part of the society in terms of care and in rising of children. There are five trends that are changing the contemporary view of family in Australia. The trends include delayed marriages, heterosexual relationships without marriage, increase in divorce rate and single parenting, increased ratio of working women and reduction in the fertility rate(Harris-Roxas & Harris, 2011).

Relationship trends

Marriage rates have dropped since the year 1980 has come to an end and the rates of co-habitation without marriage are increasing. The practice of cohabitation has proved to be a normal way leading to marriage. The marriage rate has decreased from 9.3 out of 10 from the year 1970 to 5.5 out of 10 in the year 2008 (Craig & Mullan, 2010).

According to a survey, 78% of the couples are living without marriage, compared with only about 23% in the 1980s. The divorce rate in 2012 is double that of the year of 1976 (Harris-Roxas & Harris, 2011).

Family characteristics

Families today are smaller than in the 70s. According to the present condition, there are 50% more families with no children where in the year 1976, 50% of the families had dependent children with them. Ratio of single parenting has also increased up to 11%(Craig & Mullan, 2010).

Family trends

Reproductive technology has advanced in facilitating, but the fertility rate has greatly decreased in the country and it is 2 babies per women as compared to the past when the families used to have 5 babies are women. The ratio of birth without marriage has reached up to 35% while it was only 5% in the year 1960(Harris-Roxas & Harris, 2011).

Public Health

It is the application of the prevention of disease and the support of high quality of health that should be provided among the group of people, Groups can vary from small local communities of the people to the citizens of an entire country. The public health depends on the policies and research plans that are created to identify the problems and the issues of the population. The authorities monitor that the spreading of any certain chronic disease or the rates of mortality and morbidity in a population and many more (Sorensen et al., 2012).


The main goals of the public health are to express the values and the advantages of the initial functions of the public health that can be helpful in maintaining a systemic approach in the society. Public health promotes Awareness campaign that can be helpful in fulfilling the health standards of the society. It further aims to illuminate the role of local and state government in the practice of public health. The public health also makes sure that the practice of public health can deal with the present-day health issues of the society (Sorensen et al., 2012).


The purpose of public health is to avoid the spreading and outbreak of any ...