Consumption And Mass Media

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Consumption and Mass Media

[Name of the institute]Impact of Advertisement

1. Conspicuous consumption is the buying of goods and services to show the status of a person. It is a display of affluence level that should impress the other members of the society. Higher the price, more desirable they will become to make purchases. It affects the overall consumer behavior because other consumers also develop this thinking that expensive goods/services will always yield better results than low priced commodity. Most recently I bought a branded shirt of the high price. It is a normal shirt, but I wear it on certain special occasions (Blythe, 2013).

2. This type of consumption is totally based social display of status and are carried out in the context of affluent social factors. It includes exotic vacation to places and malls. The advertisements of many tours and excursion trips on TV are the example of this type of consumption. It is generally thought that such consumers belong to rich background, and their affordability level is much higher as compared to normal consumers (Hansen & Christensen, 2007).

3. Globalization is a process of shrinking distance among all the nations on the globe. There is immense interaction that takes place which helps in people from different understand each other. It affects the culture of any country since there is an exchange of people that result in exchange of ideas among the people. There are many customs from America that are now celebrated in other parts of the world as well. Examples are Halloween, Salsa dance and base ball.

Domino's Advertisement

1. The company created the message to aware the consumers about what they are missing, the taste, smell and the tempting view. The entire meal is so tempting that just simply the answer to the quest of real pizza lovers. Not every company is good at making ads themselves, they have to take the help of outside agencies who have the expertise to give the needed display to the imagination of the company.

2. The audience in this particular ad is all the die heart fans of pizza who want quality pizza. Pizza is not race or gender specific, it may depend on the likeness of ethnic groups but with the effect of globalization it has become a loveable food almost by all the people around the world. It is basically Italian food. Professional people find it handier since it does not take much ...
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