Consumer Behaviour

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Consumer Behavior: Analysis of a Product or a Service

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Consumer Behavior: Analysis of a Product or a Service


Consumer behavior is defined as the study which is based on groups, organizations, or individuals, and the practices they implement to select, design, develop, secure, and dispose of services, products, ideas or experiences, in order to satisfy the requirements and the outcomes produced by these processes on the society and the consumer. It blends components from sociology, economics, psychology, and social anthropology. It is designed in order to understand the buyer decision making process, both in groups and individually. It studies the features of individual consumers such as behavioral variables and demographics to be acknowledged with the public demand. It also makes attempts to review the influencing factors on the consumer such as friends, family, reference groups, and society in general (Assael, 2004.p.231-245). The study of customer behavior is based on the behavior of consumer buying, as the customer plays the three different roles of payer, buyer and user.


Company's Introduction

"John Lobb Bootmaker" is the name of a company that deals with the manufacture of and retails a very exclusive luxury brand of boots and shoes that are designed mainly for men, but also for women. Other Leather goods like belts and wallet are also manufactured by this company. John Lobb Bootmaker has been involved in this business for almost 150 years and since then it is having a prominent position in the competitive market place by maintaining its unique levels and demanding standards of craftsmanship in the designing of hand-made boots and shoes (Lobb,1999.p.21-34).

Its wealthy tradition is durable by enduring qualities of service, style, attributes and craftsmanship that can be availed by a wider range of international audience. The company is effectively involved in maintaining its modified shoe-making tradition in Paris, and at the same time also preserving major modified values in the manufacture of its rapidly increasing collection of ready-to-wear shoes and leather goods (Micheal, 2010.p.345-451).

Consumer Decision Making Process

Before buying the products of John Lobb consumer goes through a number of stages. The stages are as follows:

Step 1 - Need: It is supposed to be the most important factor which leads the customer to buy the products of John Lobb. Need in fact acts as the catalyst that strengthens the decision of the customer. The need of John Lobb customers is to protect their feet with style.

Step 2 - INFORMATION GATHERING/SEARCH : when the need of buying the product is realized by the customers then the customer makes attempts in order to gather the information relevant to that product. For this purpose, he can use web, newspapers, magazines, radio, articles and advertisement. The products of John Lobb Company are well-known and are commonly used so the customer can also get some relevant information from his friends, colleagues and family. He can also gather information from experiential sources such as his own experience, prior handling of the leather goods or the shoes. This company also knows the needs ...
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