Consumer Behaviour

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Consumer Behaviour

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Consumer Behaviour


It is the study of how individuals, groups and societies decide on purchasing which product. It strives to acquire maximum knowledge about how a consumer selects, uses, and disposes the products or services. It emphasises on interpreting the thought process behind consumer's selection. According to Lantos (2010, p.4) CB is a process that solves buying and selling problems on both ends. The consumer buys a certain product/ service to fulfil his unsatisfied needs and wants. He names the product which consumers buy as 'utility'. Marketing is supposed to provide a consumer with a solution to match their 'needs' and 'wants'. On a daily basis, consumers are making buying decisions. It is not that they sit somewhere and then do some kind of a SWOT analysis. They perform all the said formal steps informally in a few hours or even minutes. To make significant buying decision, consumer takes times, and it may turn into group decision from individual decision. CB investigates the psychological procedure which takes place in the minds of buyers. In the back of their mind, they evaluate all the available options he has and go for the most suitable choice. Comparison shopping is one of the examples of understanding consumer behaviour. The CB psychology can vary from region to region, but there are a few commonalities which remain same. Besides, the buying decision also depends on the deciding body with the most powers. In some families and societies, man has an exclusive power to make the decision and in some a woman makes the decision. In some other cases, the power is partially distributed among the husband and wife (Otnes and Zayer, 2012, 5 and 8). Market mostly considers females as the most vulnerable consumers. That is why one can see how marketers aim at female sector. Marketers calculate the gender roles and categorise their parameters. Decision making also has two types: individual decision making and group decision making.


Consumer Psychology

According to Hansson-Boyd (2010, p.2) people have numerous traditions to celebrate, a lot more exciting and conventional things to do. He says that the aspects of celebrations have been changed now. People tend to compare all the options and want the best product/ service. The comparison is just not confined to their own minds but to other individuals' and groups' choices. Almost all of our important days, events, and galas have either become branded or are on the verge of becoming branded/ brand conscious. Consumer activities are quite influential that they are associated with the identities of people and their social prominence. For example, people who are consuming Armani must have at least a hue of thought for projecting their sophisticated image. The gender classification and their preferences come later on the list. Psychologists also study the effects of the selection and consumption activities. Today, marketers are targeting young and immature minds, yet, it is an unethical practice. The violence on TV leaves an adverse influence on them. And one can see the demonstration ...
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