Consumer Behaviour

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Consumer Behaviour

Consumer Behaviour

Question # 1 Marketers are keen to know how an understanding of peer / group pressure can influence people's decision-making. Make recommendation on how they can use relevant theory to help them market their products and services more successfully

Customer behavior is an important element of participation in terms of fidelity and attitude to service. It is necessary to analyze the behavior of consumers in the purchase decision process and redemption. It is influenced by different components. Consumer motivation influences will devote his efforts to achieve the goals he deems necessary to the satisfaction of his needs. However, not all consumers are motivated similarly. Some cannot live without the desired object while the other, for an identical need, are not much interested in the purpose or object (Blankson, Stavros, 2007, p. 435-450). The implication, which reflects this difference, is a variable that significantly affects consumer behavior. In marketing, we use the concept of involvement to study the intensity and nature of consumer motivation; it results in a state of interest in a category of product / service. The concept of involvement is central to the fields of marketing research. It is considered one of the key concepts of consumer behavior and mainly in the analysis of purchasing behavior. The notion of implication is closely linked to notions of commitment, motivation, attitude, behavior Interest directly related to it (Blankson, Stavros, 2007, p. 435-450).

The individual lives in a social environment so he had a relationship and influences their behavior. A group consists of several people with common goals and needs, which can satisfy cooperating with one another. The workshop in the factory, office colleagues, friends, neighbors, groups are different. Each person belongs to or is part of a large number of groups (Blankson, Stavros, 2007, p. 435-450).

Standards, rules and behavior

The group exerts pressure on individuals to each individual to behave in accordance with the rules. This consistency is done in two ways: firstly, the individual tends to associate with people who join a type of behavior; therefore, he wants to pass. On the other hand, if the individual thinks get to belong to a group personal advantage, it must be accepted by the group and follow the rules in operation. Groups to meet their objectives, conduct among its members a certain division of labor, each member will have their functions. In any group develops a hierarchical structure informal and each member will have their different status. The prestige of an individual in a group may depend on the ability to do prevail in the behavior of all members, the most fundamental values ??of the group, or simply a length of service in the defense of those values. Francis S. Bourne has studied certain determinants of the tendency of group members to conform to established standards (Liang, Wang, et al, 2009, p. 129-149). When a member has a privileged status, is shown generally in accordance with established standards, but willing to change if someone demonstrates the benefits for the group ...
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